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Protect Yourself Against SIM Swap Attacks: Quick Guide

Don't be the next victim.

See step by step how to protect your account and avoid falling for this famous scam:

What is SIM Swap?

SIM Swap is a type of fraud where attackers trick your mobile carrier into transferring your phone number to a SIM card they control. This allows them to intercept calls and messages meant for you, potentially gaining access to your sensitive accounts.

Why is SIM Swap Dangerous?

Once the attacker has control over your phone number, they can:

  • Intercept two-factor authentication (2FA) codes sent via SMS
  • Access your email, bank accounts, and social media
  • Reset passwords for various services using your phone number

How is SIM Swap Performed?

Attackers typically gather personal information about you using methods such as:

  • Phishing: Sending fake emails or messages to trick you into revealing personal information
  • Social Engineering: Manipulating you or your mobile carrier into disclosing information
  • Data Breaches: Exploiting leaked information from data breaches

Warning Signs of a SIM Swap Attack.

  • Sudden loss of mobile service
  • Notifications of account changes you didn't make
  • Unusual login attempts or password reset notifications

Steps to Protect Yourself

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Step one: 
Go to your whatsapp and click on settings -> Account.
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Step two:
Click on "Two-Step Verification".
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Step three:
Click on "Turn On".
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Step four:
Create a 6-digit PIN.
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Step five:
Confirm your PIN.
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Step six:
Go back to step two, click on "Email Address," and verify your email address.

Ready to be secured?

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